There are three ways to obtain Sandy: pulling the official Docker image, installing through CPAN and installing manually.


  1. Docker
  2. CPAN
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Installing with cpanm
  3. Manual installation


Once Docker is installed, simply run the command:

$ docker pull galantelab/sandy

This way the latest stable version of Sandy will be installed. You can see the complete list of available versions at Docker.

For more details about docker usage and examples, see docker/ file.



Along with perl, you must have zlib, gcc, make and cpanm packages installed:

  • Debian/Ubuntu
# apt-get install perl zlib1g-dev gcc make cpanminus
  • CentOS/Fedora
# yum install perl zlib gcc make perl-App-cpanminus
  • Archlinux
# pacman -S perl zlib gcc make cpanminus

Installing with cpanm

Install Sandy with the following command:

# cpanm App::Sandy

If you concern about speed, you can avoid testing with the flag --notest:

# cpanm --notest App::Sandy

Manual installation

This is not the recommended way to install Sandy, but for conscience sake, here is the manual way to obtain and install it.

First of all, install the prerequisites.

Then, clone the source-code:

$ git clone

if you already have all the perl packages Sandy depends on (you probably don’t), then skip this step. Inside Sandy directory, install all perl dependencies with cpanm:

# cpanm --installdeps .

Now compile the code with:

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make

And install:

# make install

For more details, see INSTALL file.